
People ask me if working at the store surrounded by so many products doesn't make me want to buy everything all the time.
To be honest, I'm constantly tempted by so many things. I'm exercising immense self-control.
I can't stop myself from thinking, "Maybe I should replace X with this" or "I wish we had that at home."
I'm constantly re-prioritizing the list of stuff I want in my head. When my wife and I were moving in together, the number one pick we both agreed on was this rice bowl.
As the name suggests, it features a deep color with an iron glaze, which beautifully complements a bowl of steaming white rice.
Despite its appearance, it's surprisingly lightweight.
It comes in two sizes, small and large, so you can choose according to your meal portion.
大It's good for combinations like the husband using the large one while the wife and kids use the small ones.
At the age of 34, I've passed the age of voracious eating, and the small one with two servings of rice is just right for me.
Rice bowls are frequently used items on a Japanese dining table, so it's worth investing in ones you like.
In our home, they're the most frequently used bowls, all year round.
Selector: Sugiura