We’re Hiring.
COVERCHORD is looking for bilingual staff to join our team.
We are a select shop that offers a wide range of items related to Fashion, Homeware, Outdoor, and Travel. In addition to a diverse selection of apparel for men and women, we feature lifestyle items that can make time at home more special, including handmade products like ceramics and glassware created by artisans. We also stock a range of outdoor brands, providing gear for outdoor activities and extraordinary journeys. Regardless of age or gender, COVERCHORD aims to deliver encounters with “things” and “experiences” that make everyday life a little richer.
This is an exciting opportunity to work on our platform which handles some of the best Japanese and international brands in the world, spanning a range of categories. The diverse role means you will have the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the industry and develop a variety of skills as part of a friendly team.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Translation & Content Creation
Project Management
Operations & Customer Service
Buying Assistance
Reside in Japan and hold a working visa
Native-level English and business-level Japanese
A keen eye for detail
Strong communication skills and ability to work as a team
An understanding of customer behavior
Self-motivated and ability to multi-task
Experience with Shopify, Excel preferred
Company health insurance
Commuting travel paid
Staff discount
Paid holiday
Flexible and hybrid work
If this sounds like you, please apply by emailing us with your resume and cover letter at
募集要項 | |
業務内容 | ①オンラインサイト運営業務 商品管理、検品、採寸、発送、撮影補助などの業務 ②販売スタッフ 接客販売、店舗運営、その他付帯業務 |
勤務地 | ①coverchord (神奈川県横浜市戸塚区吉田町133-2) ②coverchord nakameguro (東京都目黒区青葉台1-23-14) |
雇用形態 | 正社員 (試用期間あり)・アルバイト |
応募資格 | 学歴不問 20歳〜35歳くらいまでの男女 ※ECサイト運営経験者優遇 ※接客・販売経験者優遇 ※日本語以外に英語・中国語・韓国語が話せる方優遇 |
給与 | 正社員 25万円 〜 アルバイト ①時給1100円 〜 ②時給1200円 〜 経験、能力を考慮の上、当社規定により優遇 |
待遇 | 社会保険完備、交通費支給、従業員割引制度、有給給与制度有り |
休日・休暇 | 年間123日以上(土・日・祝日、夏季休暇・冬季休暇日数) シフト制 (土・日・祝日出勤あり) (時短勤務など相談可) |
応募方法 | 履歴書(写貼)にアルバイトを含む職務経歴書を添付の上、 自己PRを明記の上、以下までご郵送またはメールにてお送りください。 書類選考後、面接をさせて頂く方のみにご連絡させて頂きます。 なお、応募書類の返送は致しません。 |
応募先 | ①郵送 〒244-0817 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区吉田町133-2 1F coverchord 採用担当宛 メール inquiry@coverchord.com coverchord 採用担当宛 ②郵送 〒153-0042 東京都目黒区青葉台1-23-14 coverchord nakameguro 採用担当宛 メール nakameguro@coverchord.com coverchord nakameguro 採用担当宛 |
情報更新日 2023年8月17日