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BLANC.. POP-UP Event and
Custom Photochromic Lens Sunglasses


Sunglasses are essential during this time of year when the sun gets stronger.
Ideally, you'd want several pairs to switch depending on the situation, but carrying them around can be cumbersome. Plus, despite owning many sunglasses, you often end up using just your favorite two or three pairs.

With this in mind, we’ve arranged a special custom model with "photochromic color lenses" exclusively for the BLANC.. pop-up event.

BLANC..’s photochromic color lenses are unique. Unlike typical photochromic lenses that change from clear to tinted based on UV exposure, these lenses not only adjust their tint but also their color tone according to the UV levels.
Indoors, with low UV exposure, the color remains light and non-intimidating. Outdoors, with high UV exposure, the color deepens, effectively reducing glare.

For this event, we selected two versatile models: the oval-type cell frame B0013 for daily use and the distinctive crown-panto metal frame B0021.
The lenses are customized to change from L.GRAY to GRAY and L.BROWN to GRAY to match the frame colors.

We also offer a special Megane Tee with a glasses cleaning cloth and pocket for storage, as well as COVERCHORD exclusive sunglasses.
The BLANC.. POP-UP EVENT 2024 is now live at COVERCHORD Nakameguro starting today, June 21st. Be sure to visit and try them out.

Selector: Sugiura
